Pride of Alaska Gourmet Smoked Seafood in Friends Season 3 Episode 4 “The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel” (1996)

Hi! On Friday, March 22, I watched a TV Show and product placement was spotted: Pride of Alaska Gourmet Smoked Seafood in Friends Season 3 Episode 4 “The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel” (1996).

One comment

  1. You don’t have to be a 90’s TV show fan or even a regular viewer to appreciate the irony of Rotten Tomatoes’ reviewers (including some reviewers who never actually watched the show) attempting to give the audience an accurate assessmet of popular Television shows. The Friends Sitcom is an excellent example of what used to be a common practice in television; bringing together a group of friends and watching them grow and evolve as they go through their typical life scenarios. It takes you on a journey, without having to use crazy plot twists and unrealistic drama.

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