Honda EV Plus Battery Electric Vehicle and Zabar's Store Paper Bag in Friends Season 6 Episode 11 “The One With the Apothecary Table” (2000)

Hi! On Friday, March 29, I watched a TV Show and product placement was spotted: Honda EV Plus Battery Electric Vehicle and Zabar’s Store Paper Bag in Friends Season 6 Episode 11 “The One With the Apothecary Table” (2000).

One comment

  1. LOL! As there were no product scenes in this episode, right? Just in this scene we have 3 product placements: the car, the ZABAR`S bag and the Pottery Barn showcase. In fact, this episode is a great advertisement for Pottery Barn, as only the brand name is mentioned 16 times during the scenes where the furniture appears. I’m doing my job of completing the college course on this episode and the product placements that appear on it and I was unable to identify the car, so thank you! :)

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