Nike Hoodie in Jury Duty S01E01 “Voir Dire” (2023)April 7, 2023 Sergey TV Show Clothing & OutfitsHoodiesJury Duty TV ShowNike
New Balance Sneakers in Jury Duty S01E01 “Voir Dire” (2023)April 7, 2023 Sergey TV Show Jury Duty TV ShowNew BalanceShoesSneakers
Bubly Sparkling Water and Aquafina Bottle in Jury Duty S01E01 “Voir Dire” (2023)April 7, 2023 Sergey TV Show AquafinaBublyDrinks & Non-Alcoholic BeveragesJury Duty TV ShowWater
Big Hunk Candy Bar in Jury Duty S01E01 “Voir Dire” (2023)April 7, 2023 Sergey TV Show Big HunkCandy Bars and Chocolate BarsFood & GroceryJury Duty TV Show
Aquafina Purified Drinking Water in Jury Duty S01E01 “Voir Dire” (2023)April 7, 2023 Sergey TV Show AquafinaDrinks & Non-Alcoholic BeveragesJury Duty TV ShowWater
Acer Laptop in Jury Duty S01E01 “Voir Dire” (2023)April 7, 2023 Sergey TV Show AcerJury Duty TV ShowLaptops & Portable Computers