Sony Trinitron Monitors in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Groundhog Day (1993) MovieMonitorsSony
Sony Betacam 3ccd Camera Used by Chris Elliott, Andie MacDowell and Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Camcorders & Video CamerasCamerasGroundhog Day (1993) MovieSony
Panasonic RC-6025 Alarm (Radio) Clock Used by Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Audio Equipment & ElectronicsClocksGroundhog Day (1993) MoviePanasonicRadio
Pabst Blue Ribbon American Lager Beer Sign in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Alcoholic DrinksBeerGroundhog Day (1993) MoviePabst Blue RibbonSigns
Miller Genuine Draft Beer Bottle in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Alcoholic DrinksBeerGroundhog Day (1993) MovieMillerMiller Genuine Draft
Makita Chainsaw Used by Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie ChainsawsGroundhog Day (1993) MovieMakitaPower Tools
L'Oréal and Pantene Shampoos in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Groundhog Day (1993) MovieL’OréalPantenePersonal CareProcter & GambleShampoo
Life Savers Holes Candies and Kodak in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie CandiesFood & GroceryGroundhog Day (1993) MovieKodakLife Savers
Kimball Piano Used by Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Audio Equipment & ElectronicsGroundhog Day (1993) MovieKimballMusical InstrumentsPianos
Kellogg's in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Breakfast CerealsFood & GroceryGroundhog Day (1993) MovieKellogg's
Heinz Ketchup in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Food & GroceryGroundhog Day (1993) MovieHeinzKetchup
Equal Sweetener in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie EqualFood & GroceryGroundhog Day (1993) Movie
Miller Genuine Draft And Lite Beer Neon Signs in Groundhog Day (1993)January 25, 2018 Sergey Movie Alcoholic DrinksBeerGroundhog Day (1993) MovieMillerMiller Genuine DraftMiller LiteSigns
Sony TV/Monitor Used by Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1993)January 1, 2018 Sergey Movie Groundhog Day (1993) MovieMonitorsSonyTelevisions (TVs)